Tactics Remix

It is with great pleasure I have been given permission from Wes to update his original Tactics mod to be compatible with the Enhanced Editions. Tactics Remix adds quite a few optional, but difficult, encounters to BG2:EE and EET aims to make the game more challenging and rewarding.

Many of these components have been drawn from different mod authors; I did not write everything here. In particular, Wes Weimer, Gebhard Blucher, Kensai Ryu, Xyx and Ishan have made contributions. I have gone through, updated the components for the EE's, and redid most of the AI from the ground up. The goal is for the encounters to feel similar to their oBG counterparts with more challenging enemy AI.


The hotfix will bring any install of Tactics Remix v0.9.8.x up to the current version. The hotfix will detect the current version of Tactics Remix you are using and make the necessary updates to bring it up to current. Versions prior to v0.9.8 will not be supported.

Please Note: There were some changes when moving from v0.9.8.x-alpha to the beta that the hotfix is not able to update. This encompasses enemy casters using offset casting (EEex must be present) and some additional randomness thrown into the generic enemy mage scripts.


March 1, 2025
  • Fixed quest bug with Sir Ryan Trawl if SimDing's Quest Pack is installed.

  • Reduced the loot drops from the random encounters.

  • Updated Vampire stats.

  • Updated Dao weapon.

  • Smooth out Firkraag fight.

  • Nerfed prior version of the Tactics Remix Sleep spell.

  • Updated priority of spells cast within Time Stop.

  • Improved Mind Flayer thac0.

  • Updated the Cure Wound series of spells as part of my Spell Tweaks component.

  • Updated Iron Skins to have a casting time of 1 as part of my Spell Tweaks component.


If you are upgrading from an earlier version of this mod, I recommend uninstalling all mod components and replacing all files with the new ones before doing a fresh install.

This mod is a more challenging alternative to SCS. Any encounter or ai updates from SCS will not be compatible with Tactics Remix. SCS does offer some quality of life updates prior to the ai/tactical components which should mostly be okay with Tactics Remix. Notable exceptions to this will be the SCS Core Spell System Changes as Tactics Remix will use its own spell system changes.

If using EET, Tactics Remix should be installed AFTER EET_END.

Install after tweak mods to include: aTweaks, Tweaks Anthology, and Klatu.

These scripts are currently written for a vanilla/Tactics Remix understanding of the spells/abilities. Tactics Remix does not take into account other mods that alter existing spells. Some mods do lighter edits that shouldn't impact the scripts, but others, such as Spell Revisions, do a complete overhaul and will cause issues, inconsistencies, and undesired results. As such, I would not recommend install of Tactics Remix if you are playing with Spell Revisions. This may change in the future, but for now I would list these as incompatible.

Due to the various technical issues with MiH - EQ, I have made Tactics Remix incompatible. MiH - EQ and its author has zero concerns or regards for other mods and issues that may arise with the changes MiH - EQ makes. Those changes are broad and ill described in regards to either what is being changed and how it is being changed. Further compounding the issue is the author's decision to hide everything being done behind SFO. This leads to multiple downstream impacts that I've found along with a number of crashes to desktop (again, I've found and left unreported due to the author's hostile attitude). In an abundance of caution, I do not want to have to deal with bug reports in something going haywire in Tactics Remix due to MiH - EQ.


Many of the enemy scripts have been rewritten from scratch and many of the fight mechanics are improved from the old Tactics days. These fights are aimed at being more challenging than the original encounters while removing much of the cheese that players of old remember. These are meant to be BRUTAL. The difficulty slider will alter the overall challenge (e.g. removing undroppable items from enemies to make them easier, less or different enemy spawns, altered enemy prebuffs, etc.). I aim to have a bit of randomness added to the encounters and the scripts are not optimized to always cast the "best" spell. Prebuffs and contingencies/sequencers will vary. Additionally, casters will randomly choose if they will be casting an offensive or a defensive/disabling spell. From there, the enemy scripts will cycle through available spells in the specific category with yet more randomness. Best spells will pop up first, but it is random if the script will choose to cast or pass. This should add a bit of variance to the encounters from reload to reload and hopefully the player enjoys the spontaneity.

Spell System Changes

· Breach will now be blocked by Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, and Spell Trap.

· Rakshasa will remain immune to level 7 and below spells (including Breach, Ruby Ray, Khelben’s Warding Whip, etc.).

· Liches will remain immune to level 5 and below spells (including Breach).

· Pierce Shield will remove Specific and Combat Protections (acting as an 8th level Breach) and will reduce the target’s magic resistance.

· Pierce Magic will become an 8th level spell acting as the vanilla Pierce Shield.

· Khelben's Warding Whip will move to level 6 arcane spells.

· Spellstrike and Hive Mother Anti-Magic Ray will now remove Protection from Magic scroll.

· Beholder Anti-Magic ray will now take down Spell Shield.

· Add new level 1 arcane spell: Lesser Dispel Magic.

· Cleric’s Magic Resistance spell will now increment the amount of magic resistance bestowed upon the caster and will protect the Cleric from all spells of the Abjuration school of magic.

Mage Chess Changes (RECOMMENDED)

· Entropy Shield no longer provides elemental resistances.

· In addition to its existing abilities, Impervious Sanctity of Mind will act as a Divine version of Spell Shield protecting the Priest from the next magical attack against him/her.

· (Greater) Shield of Lathander is becoming the (Greater) Visage of the Deity. It can now be cast by any alignment and it will only be cast on the caster. This series of spells will improve the Priest’s magic resistance, physical damage resistance, and resistance to all elements.

Revise Cause Harm / Wound Spells (RECOMMENDED)

· Cause Wounds and Harm spells will now cast at visual range of the caster instead of being a touch spell.

· In addition to dealing damage (save vs. Spell for half), this series of spells will reduce the creature’s physical damage resistance for 1 turn.

Overhaul Mage Physical Defense Spells

This will update Protection from Normal Weapons and Protection from Magical Weapons in addition to the changes to (Improved) Mantle and Absolute Immunity.

· Protection from Normal Weapons will add physical damage resistance in addition to blocking non-magical weapons.

· Protection from Magical Weapons will become Lesser Mantle.

Revise Insect Spells

The insects summoned by this series of spells are non-magical creatures and can bypass many magical protections. As such, their bites and stings cannot harm creatures immune to non-magical weapons. Creatures immune to non-magical weapons due to the use of spells will still suffer the suffocating effects of the insects and receive the non-damage penalties (e.g., spell failure, penalty to thac0 and AC, fear, etc.). Other spells, such as Fire Shields and Aura of Flaming Death, will shield their user from the swarms of insects. Additionally, creatures such as undead and dragons are immune to these swarms. Death Spell will kill all insects within its area of effect.

Add Concentration Check to Resist Spell Disruption (EEex Required)

Adds a calculation to resist spell disruption. The calculation is 1d20 + Luck + (Constitution / 2) - 5 > Damage Taken. If Damage Taken is less than 10, it will be set to 10 for the purposes of the spell disruption calculation. A roll of 1 is a critical failure (automatic failure to resist spell disruption) while a roll of 20 is a critical success (automatic success to resist spell disruption).

Spell Tweaks
Revise Remove/Dispel Magic Cast Level

· Color Spray will do different effects based on the level of the enemy it hits.

· Sleep can now be used against creatures of any level and have an increasing save vs. death penalty.

· Web is reduced to 3 rounds.

· Skull Trap caps out at 12d6 damage

· Cloudkill is nerfed to dealing 1d4 points of damage per round.

· Cone of Cold will impart a movement penalty on creatures that fail their saving throw vs. spell.

· Undead and golems are now immune to Abi-Dalzim's horrid Wilting.

· Cure wound series of spells amount healed is altered and will bypass spell deflection.

· Iron Skins casting time reduced to fall in line with Stoneskins.

· Blindness duration is reduced.

· Only one Fireshield (red/blue) may be active at a time.

Remove Magic and Dispel Magic spells will cast at power level 3 instead of power level 0. This means creatures immune to level 3 spells will now be immune to this series of spells.

Alter Inquisitor Dispel Magic Cast Level
Unaltered Inquisitor Dispel Magic Cast Level

Inquisitor's Dispel Magic will remain unique and cast at level 0.

Inquisitor's Dispel Magic will also cast at level 3.

Mantles and Absolute Immunity will improve physical damage resistance by +40% and will each be improved by +1 enchantment level of protection (e.g., Mantles will protect from +3 magical weapons and below, Improved Mantles will protect from +4 magical weapons and below, etc.).

Update All Physical Protection Spells
Update ONLY (Improved) Mantle and Absolute Immunity

This component will only make changes to (Improved) Mantle and Absolute Immunity. NO changes will occur to Protection from Normal Weapons and Protection from Magical Weapons.

Successful Vorpal Hit Removes Death Ward

A successful vorpal hit against a creature protected via Death Ward will remove the application of the Death Ward.

Update Dispel on Hit Weapons

Weapons that offer a dispel on hit will now do so with a save to resist the dispel.

Characters will be knocked unconscious when reduced to 0hp (EXPERIMENTAL)

When reduced to 0hp, a character will be knocked unconscious instead of outright killed. Once combat ends, characters knocked unconscious will regain consciousness at 2hp. When knocked unconscious, characters will have 1 minute for the fight to end or they will die. Additionally, when knocked unconscious characters will be subjected to one of the following for 8 hours (these will stack with each other if you get knocked unconscious multiple times): Constitution penalty, Dexterity penalty, Intelligence penalty, Wisdom penalty, Thac0 penalty, damage penalty, AC penalty, movement rate penalty, casting speed penalty, and increased chance for miscast magic. Unconscious characters cannot be mortally damaged by enemies.

Exaltation spells will make a character regain consciousness in the middle of combat; however, the character is at risk of perma-death if they are again reduced to 0hp within 2 minutes of initially being knocked unconscious.

Finally, certain things will outright kill a character instead of knocking them unconscious (e.g., Level Drain, Ability Score drain, disintegration, petrification, imprisonment, etc.).

Add New Encounters

Kuroisan, a Kensai / Wu Jen from Kara-Tur will approach you if you are carrying Celestial Fury or Malakar, regardless if equipped or not. Once you acquire either of these weapons, he will begin the hunt to find you (1 day) and attempt to take yours. Depending on the difficulty level, he may bring additional sword allies to join the fight.

"Kuroisan", the Acid Kensai
The Ritual

The Ritual component adds a new tactical quest started by speaking with the yellow-robed individual outside of Watcher's Keep. This quest takes the player through some outdoor combat and obscure symbolism against a very pretty backdrop.

PLEASE NOTE: Original recommendation for party level is around 2 million XP.

"Red Badge" Poison-Based Encounter

This challenge is triggered if you have more than 3 million XP, have either killed Gromnir or be in SoA, and are standing outside of Watcher's Keep. The "Red Badge" will wisk you away with promises to come. Once you have over 3.5 million XP with the same conditions as above, they will bring you back for your confrontation.

Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks

A new lich can be found in the Docks district with an endless supply of undead minions to call upon. You may find her by entering the door to the north of the main Shadow Thief guildhouse entrance.

WARNING: Reported to be incompatible with Back to Brynnlaw.

Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks

A gnome fighter/illusionist full of tricks is looking to collect upon the bounty on Valygar's head. Beware on your search as the gnome will kill anyone in his way.

Mike Barne's Improved Small Teeth Pass

Adds two dragons to Small Teeth Pass (AR1700).

WARNING: Reported to be incompatible with TDD.

Update Existing Encounters

This component makes all Sahuagin fiercer opponents. It also updates the fight against the Priestess at the heart of the City of Caverns who will now summon allies to come to her aid. Beware, on Insane Difficulty she will summon the Minor Avatar of Sekolah.

Improved Sahuagin City
Improved Irenicus

I take the original Tactics fight, with some slight alterations, to give Joneleth "The Shattered One" Irenicus the fight he and the player truly deserve. This is a multi-phase fight that should provide a suitable challenge. To start, instead of summoning generic demons, Jon will shatter himself into multiple fragments and brings forth enemies for each Tear of Bhaal Test in Hell. These enemies will provide their own unique challenges, and will bring forth more minions to aid themselves, depending on the difficulty.

Improved Guarded Compound in the Temple District

This component provides a drastic increase in difficulty for the guardians of Celestial Fury. Enemies will have appropriate gear and spell picks for their levels. Enemies will prepare for your arrival and prebuff, and once you arrive there is no escape to the lower floor until you are victorious.

PLEASE NOTE: This component pairs well with the Forgotten Armament component to add net new items into the game for yet an additional difficulty increase.

Improved Twisted Rune

Enemies in this encounter will behave as characters of their level should with better decision making and gear. Original Tactics controls to reduce player cheese remain in place. Revanek, instead of being naked, will become Wizard Slayer decked out in new gear with this update. To spice things up, I am assuming the upgrades from the Skills and Abilities Wizard Slayer are or will be installed. This means, if EEex is present, Revanek's hits will have a 10% chance of bypassing PfMW and the like and dispelling the target.

Gebhard Blucher's Improved Demon Knights

This component makes the Demon Knights at the Demogorgon altar in the Underdark overall better opponents and more of a challenge to the player.

Kensai Ryu's Toucher Kangaxx and Guardians

The tomb of Kangaxx is protected by a new set of guardians above. They are looking to acquire his ring and will kill any they perceive as getting in the way. If SCS is installed, Kangaxx will revert to SCS AI; however, the guardians will still remain.

Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King

The Crypt King is now more worthy of that name and will summon more undead minions every now and then. I have overhauled the fight mechanics to make it even more challenging than the original Tactics version.

Kensai Ryu's Improved Copper Coronet

Guards are now stronger and more plentiful along with the slavers compound.

Morpheus562's Tougher Windspear Hills Dungeon

This component increases the challenge of the Windspear Hills Dungeon, though the dungeon boss is going to be upgraded via the Smarter Dragon's component below.

Morpheus562's Tougher Planar Prison

This component increases the challenge of the Planar Prison.

Morpheus562's Improved Drizzt (BG: EE)
Morpheus562's Improved Drizzt (BGII: EE)

This makes the BGEE version of Drizzt more formidable. If he goes hostile, he will prioritize attack the player instead of the gnolls.

This makes the BG2EE version of Drizzt and his companions more formidable. Additionally, if playing on Insane difficulty or higher he will bring in a familiar mage to aid him. Should the mage be defeated, any gear acquired from the battle will not be taken from the party at a later time.

Morpheus562's Improved Mutamin's Garden and Basilisks

Basilisks will now be much more difficult and Mutamin will have refined scripting to become more of a threat. Korax has also been nerfed. The difficulty increase should be enough to prevent early game cheesing to quickly gain experience.

Morpheus562's Improved Gnoll Stronghold and Tougher Gnolls

I was never pleased with the Gnoll Stronghold and any of the mods that added to it. Additionally, there never felt like much of a difference between the Gnoll types. For this, I took a twofold approach with 1) making the gnolls more of a threat and 2) add Gnoll Shamans and a leader to the Gnoll Stronghold. Gnolls worship Yeenoghu, a violent demon lord, and their summons reflect his skeletal servants.

Morpheus562's Improved Bassilus

This makes the Bassilus encounter more challenging with spells commensurate with his level.

Morpheus562's Improved Party vs. Party Encounters

There are many fun party vs. party encounters sprinkled throughout BGEE and BG2EE, but the difficulty can be somewhat underwhelming. This component is aimed at increasing the difficulty for these fights.

Morpheus562's Improved Durlag's Tower

Durlag's Tower, to me, feels like a quintessential DnD dungeon within BGEE. My focus is to crank the difficulty up to 11 to really challenge the player. At the finale, I updated the Demon Knight to be slightly neutered but more in-line version the Tactics Remix Tougher Demon Knights found within the Underdark. Additionally, the +3 two-handed sword found in the Durlag's Tower chess fight is replaced with magical quarterstaff, and the sword is given to the Demon Knight.

Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var

This component improves the overall difficulty of the Mae'Var encounter.

Improved Bodhi

This component aims to make Bodhi a worthy opponent by improving her scripting and giving her some impressive pseudo-magical powers associated with vampires of myth and legend. You can face the Improved Bodhi in Chapter 3 if you side with the Shadow Thieves and again in Chapter 6. In either case, the difficulty slider will effect the fight.

Lite Mode

You are getting the full Tactics Remix experience here. This is difficult and not recommended for "No-Reload" runs.

For those who want something more difficult than the standard and other modded versions of this fight without the extreme difficulty of Nightmare Mode. Recommended for those performing "No-Reload" runs or those who want a challenge, but not at the level that Nightmare Mode provides.

Ishan's "Always Toughest Random Spawns in Dungeons"

This ensures you will always get the most difficult random dungeon spawns regardless of the number of people in your party and your experience level. For example, you will always get all of the Statues in the Watcher's Keep and you will always get the toughest kind of randomly-appearing trolls.

Improved TorGal and De'Arnisse Keep

TorGal and the De'Arnisse keep are made a bit more difficult. The Troll spawns are better (Spirit Trolls instead of Giant Trolls) and they will not be automatically slain by Cloudkill. There are more umberhulks for you to contend with. TorGal himself has better guards (e.g., Yuan-Ti mages) and is a stronger melee fighter. He also has a bit more treasure (including the Flail Head of Cold -- you must kill him to fully forge the Flail of Ages).

Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest

This mod improves one of the most ignored areas of the game, the North Forest. Per Mike Barnes: "I always wondered why an Altar was set in the middle of a forest near a mid level party led by a Priest of Cyric. Perhaps the evil god's minions were gathering together their greatest champions and rarest magic items to oppose the Bhaalspawn. After all, why would Cyric stand pat and give up the Sword Coast without a fight?"

The night time guards are remaining the same (two high level vampires) while the day time guards are being replaced with a Noble Efreeti and a Noble Djinni (prior they were non-noble versions of these characters). The mid-level party of Cyric was updated a bit and will drop new loot (2h Greataxe that can be further upgraded by Cespenar).  Adeditionally, the useless mist mephit is replaced with a drake.

Tougher Druid Grove

This component makes the Druid Grove quest (from Trademeet) just a bit more difficult (to the point where the poison or trying to walk around Kyland Lind actually almost become attractive). The swamp outside the grove is now replete with flavorful (but not actually difficult) druidic creatures (e.g., giant mushrooms, shambling mounds, wyverns, more trolls, earth elementals). The generic Shadow Druids are now half-decent tenth-level totemists who might actually scare you with an insect plague. The big change is Faldorn herself -- now she's truly "stronger than ever with the aid of this grove". Expect to be on the business end of some 7th level druid spells (e.g., creeping doom, nature's beauty, fire storm). Faldorn's claws strike like the Staff of Thunder and Lightning.

Morpheus562's Tougher Planar Sphere

This component increases the overall challenge of the Planar Sphere. Enemy groups within are improved, and the big bad brings some minions along for the fight.

Morpheus562's Tougher Umar Hills

This component increases the overall challenge of the Umar Hills dungeon. The player will face tougher opponents throughout, more difficult spawns, an added lich spawn, and a revamped boss fight at the end. The dragon fight is not touched in this component and is instead part of the dragons component.

SimDing0's Improved Oasis

SimDing's original Tactics component took the enemies in the Oasis and improved them. I have built off of the original work to make this even more challenging. Archers will now use arrows of dispelling, the general will be using warrior HLAs, enemies have greater levels and hit points, etc. 

What Started as a simple component from Mike Barnes to update the area outside of Yaga Shura's Temple has evolved into something much larger under Tactics Remix. I have kept the original changes Mike Barnes introduced and improved the difficulty both within Yaga Shura's Temple and within Nyalee's Grove. Enemies will be greater in number and of greater difficulty.

Morpheus562's Tougher Sendai's Enclave

This component improves Sendai's Enclave by making tougher and more frequent enemies. I also throw in a few surprises for the player to enjoy. Sendai herself will see quite a boost to her stats and scripts.

Morpheus562's Tougher Abazigal's Lair

This component improves Abazigal's Lair by making tougher and more frequent enemies. Draconis will also have stronger support to assist him during his fight.

Morpheus562's Tougher Watcher's Keep

This component gives Watcher's Keep a boost of adrenaline and improves the challenges and level of difficulty throughout. The final fight remains unaltered as Ascension has it covered.

Improved Ilyich

This takes much of the challenge from the original Improved Ilyich and carries it over into the EEs for new players to experience. Gone is the fabled Deva, but much of the original challenge still remains.

Nightmare Mode
Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters

This component only occurs in the city maps in BG2EE. The original, and first, encounters remain unchanged; however, much is added. Be prepared.

Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters

Instead of the city, you will now have additional encounters when traversing outside of Athkatla.

Mike Barne's Marching Mountains
Nightmare Mode

This mode is for players wishing to challenge themselves. Enemies will be more dangerous, tougher, better stats, and higher level than their Lite Mode counterparts. This is not for the faint of heart. Recommended for parties imported from SoD (500k exp).

Lite Mode

This mode is for players wanting a step up from the vanilla difficulty without having to face the punishment found within Nightmare Mode. Enemies here will be lower level, have lower stats, and be of a less dangerous variety.

BG:EE Chapter 2: Improved Nashkel Mines

This component makes the Nashkel Mines and the final boss of the mines more difficult. Expect more enemies and the existing enemies will also see a boost in power.

Morpheus562's Tougher Ulcaster

Ulcaster's Ruins gets a little bit of a revamp with a different, more powerful, final boss.

BG:EE Chapter 3: Improved Bandit Camp

This component increases the difficulty for the Chapter 3 Bandit Camp fight, introduces new enemies, while keeping some of the vanilla flavor.

BG:EE Chapter 4: Improved Cloakwood Mines

The Cloakwood Mines have beefier enemies, and the main boss is bringing some more friends along.

BG:EE Chapter 5: Iron Throne Headquarters Boss Improvements

The component increases the difficulty of the final fight in the Iron Throne Headquarters.

BG:EE Chapter 6: Improved Return to Candlekeep

The component increases the difficulty throughout the player's return to Candlekeep. Expect more difficult enemy parties and new enemies underneath the library.

BG:EE Chapter 7: Improved BGEE Finale

Currently, the component beefs up the enemies within the final fight, and if SoD is installed you will be greeted with a new and familiar face. This is not complete, and my intent is to make this fight into a multi-phase slug fest. Right now you will be faced with a more challenging vanilla version of this fight and the update will come in a future release when I have time, and a party, to test it thoroughly.

Enemy Improvements

There are a couple options for the player to select to increase the HP of all enemies. There is an additional option to adjust enemy HP based on the ini file if the player does not like the pre-defined options. Friendly cast summons will NOT have their HP altered.

Improve All Enemies HP
Smarter Dragons

As Wes stated: "Dragons clearly got the short end of the stick somewhere. They're just not awe-inspiring in BGII. In fact, they're pretty much pushovers, especially with half-decent tactics on your part." We are not playing Dungeons and Demiliches, or Dungeons and Fire Giants, or Dungeons and Mindflayers. The aim of this component is to vasty improve the power and challenge when facing a dragon.

PLEASE NOTE: This component only updates those dragons introduced in the base game. This will NOT improve dragons introduced in the EE's by Beamdog.

Morpheus562's Improved Generic Enemies

This component broadly improves the fighting scripts, shouts, and enemy creatures throughout the entire series. Some enemies will see a slight boost to level, HP, ability points, thac0, APR, and proficiency point assignment. Enemies will have improved attack targeting while gaining access to a random potion based on their level, and if they meet the requirements will use HLA abilities.

Improved Undead

This gives "throw-away" undead some additional powers to make them more interesting. Shadows can cast Spook, Mummies can cast Malison, that kind of thing. Just trying to make the undead scary again. Vampires and Liches do not gain new powers.

Improved Golems

Inspired by Kensai Ryu's "Smarter Golems", this component allows Stone, Iron and Adamantium golems to throw rocks at you if they can't get to you. Watch out! No more sitting around for five minutes while they get stuck in a door and someone takes them all out with the Rifthome Axe or Tansheron's Bow.

Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mind Flayers

The Improved Mind Flayers strive to make the Iliithid the fear-inspiring opponents that they should be. It improves their tactics and widens the range of psionics they can use (bringing them more in line with Pnp AD&D).

Improved Beholders

This changes Beholder targeting so they don't try to charm people who are immune to charm and don't always kill themselves on the Shield of Balduran. In addition, Elder Orbs and other advanced beholders are slightly color-coded so that you can tell them apart from normal beholders. Finally, the beholder hive in the underdark is made a bit more difficult.

The Smarter Beholders were originally written by Xyx but have since changed. Please assume that all good things in this component are due to Xyx and that all facets of it that you don't like are due to mysterious devolution along the way.

Improved Vampires

The Smarter Vampires were originally written by Kensai Ryu. These vampires make smarter targeting choices (e.g., they avoid charming people who are wearing helms of charm protection, attack characters vulnerable to level drain, that kind of thing).

Morpheus562's Improved Rakshasa

Rakshasa are naturally adept Sorcerers specializing in illusionary magic. I take this theme and run with it. They defacto gain the abilities of my Eldritch Scion kit (my take on a Fighter/Sorcerer) and become potent fighters-casters.

Morpheus562's Improved Celestials

Celestials are made to be truly fearsome foes. Taking lessons learned from my Crucible mod, I've improved Celestials across the board in BG2 while also further improving them for Crucible.

Improved Demons

Demons are meant to be terrifying, and this component strives to make the player feel that same fear. Across the board, demons will boast improved scripts and damage per hit. Notably, both Nabassu and Pit Fiends will see a bit of a boost. Nabassu throughout the series will now use the tanari death gaze (albeit slightly tuned with more difficulty) that Aec'letec uses in TotSC. Pit Fiends become rather fiendish gaining improved HP, thac0, 8 APR via Improved Haste, Regeneration, damage resistances, and disease (with slow) on hit.

The Blood War is in full effect, so expect Demons and Devils to fight one another. Additionally, to help the player better counter the tanari death gaze, Protection from Petrification will protect against gaze attacks.

Morpheus562's Improved Genies

Genies see a boost to their stats and scripting. They will also deal extra damage based around their respective pnp elemental alignment (e.g., Dao are of the earth, Djinni are of the air and lightning, and Efreeti are of fire).

Tougher Fire Giants

Damage output and difficulty for fire giants is greatly increased.

Morpheus562's Tougher Githyanki

Githyanki will now be better equipped, better leveled, and overall pose more of a challenge to the player.

Morpheus562's Tougher Yuan-ti

Yuan-ti will receive a number of immunities, to include some magic resistance (40%) and complete resistance to poison. Additionally, they receive some snake like enhancements to include infravision, faster casting speed, faster weapon speed, and an extra 0.5 apr. Yuan-ti fighters will now be wielding magical scimitars and leather armors.

PLEASE NOTE: With my Skills and Abilities Proficiency overhaul and Forgotten Armament's NWN Style Weapons and Updates to Existing Weapons will greatly increase the deadliness of Yuan-ti fighters. The average Yuan-ti fighter and Greater Yuan-ti will have a crit range of 16-20, and Yuan-ti Elites will have a crit range of 15-20.

Morpheus562's Tougher Wolves

Wolves, werewolves, and wolfweres will become tougher and better align with their PnP counterparts. For example:

  • Dread wolves require fire or acid to kill

  • Dire wolves will have a chance to knock the player prone on hit

  • Winter Wolves deal more damage

  • Vampiric Wolves deal more damage and will cast Vampiric Domination

  • Shade Wolves will drain strength on hit

  • Werewolves/Wolfweres will cause bleeding damage on hit (non-PnP benefit, just added flair)

Streamlined Trolls

Trolls will still require their respective elemental to temporarily halt their regeneration (e.g., being hit by fire or acid will halt troll regeneration for 1 round making them susceptible to death); however, the whole knockdown mechanic is being removed. This results in a greatly streamlined experience in killing trolls and alleviates many bugs associated with the prior knockdown mechanics.

Smarter Mages

Arcane classes (e.g., Mages, Sorcerers, Bards, etc.) will receive improved scripts that include prebuffing, bringing in minions/guards, HLA use (if applicable), smart dispelling and invisibility detection, and better use of available spells. A lot of lessons learned with Enhanced Powergaming Scripts and then Crucible and other Tactics Remix mage fights were used to make these incredibly robust to give the player a more difficult experience.

Liches are equally made more fearsome. Instead of bringing in the standard guards that most mages have, they will bring forth a contingent of undead bolstered by either a Fallen Planetar, Demon Knight, or Pit Fiend.

Smarter Divine Casters

Divine classes (e.g., Clerics, Druids, Paladins, Rangers, Shamans, etc.) will receive improved scripts that include prebuffing, bringing in minions/guards, HLA use (if applicable), smart invisibility detection, and better use of available spells. A lot of lessons learned with Enhanced Powergaming Scripts and then Crucible and other Tactics Remix divine fights were used to make these incredibly robust to give the player a more difficult experience.


Wes Weimer is the original creator of this mod and his permission was granted to create Tactics Remix.

Additional credit goes to Gebhard Blucher, Kensai Ryu, Xyx and Ishan for all of their great works and contributions to the original Tactics. The original tactics can be found [here](https://weidu.org/tactics.html).

All rights reserved.

Content from this mod may not be mirrored, borrowed, or altered without explicit permission.